Vote! And More Ways to Get Involved in the Election

Nadia Boujarwah
2 min readOct 9, 2020

The plus-size community is 100 million women strong. We live passionately, feel deeply and commit to what’s important to us with intention.

I’m a first-generation American. Because of that, the rights that I have — the right to vote chief among them — I don’t take for granted. No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, participating in elections is the foundation of our political process.

We should all invest in upholding our democracy, no matter who we’re voting for, by casting our own votes and also volunteering to help others vote, too. Volunteering to help others exercise the right to vote is an easy but hugely impactful way to get involved, whether you’re working a hotline or offering guidance at the polls.

If style is our self-expression, then voting — and contributing to the process by helping to clear the path for others in this confusing time — is how we turn expression into action. It’s a celebration of freedom, and a cause worth dressing up for.

And while national politics dominates the news cycles, much of what actually determines our day-to-day lives is decided at the local level. So while they may not be the races that get the attention, the elections at every level of our towns, cities, states and country are all important.

You all hear me talk about my mother a lot. That’s because she shaped who I am and what I value most. My mom always, always voted. When she was abroad, she mailed in her vote, and made sure to fill out ballots for every election. Everything from the school superintendent to the president of the United States — she knew that it all mattered, and so it mattered to me.

I’m proud to be casting my vote in just a few weeks and want to help encourage others to do so too. Here are some of our favorite ways to take action in 2020:

If letter writing is your new hobby

Join Vote Forward’s mission to mail 10 million letters to unregistered and low-propensity voters across the country.

If you want to help others get their ‘I Voted’ sticker

Volunteer to be a poll worker with Power the Polls, an initiative dedicated to recruiting poll workers to ensure a safe and fair election.

If you’re great on the phone

The Election Protection Hotline is currently recruiting volunteers in a number of states across the country to help voters in 2020.

Who you vote for doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are participating in the process. So please join our community in pledging to vote. And because our freedom to vote is a gift, this is a task worth committing to.

